Burfoot Park IvyBeGone Team – Join Us!

The Boston Harbor Association’s Environment Committee has created the IvyBeGone Team to take on the ivy in Burfoot Park. English ivy is not native and does not belong in the park. It is running rampant up trees, crowding out native plants, enveloping benches, and encroaching on paths. It can harm and even take down mature trees. Left alone, ivy will overtake the park. We know that ivy will never be completely eradicated but we can save a lot of trees and native plants.

Join us at Burfoot Park every 3rd Sunday, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., October through June. 

Rooting out ivy can be fun and a real boost to body, mind, and spirit. You get to know your neighbors, exercise some muscles not often used, and feel productive and satisfied seeing immediate results. Plus, you get a boost by doing something for your community, the trees, and the plants. They would say thank you if they could speak, but they will show their thanks by thriving rather than struggling or dying. 

If you’ve been wanting to do some volunteer work, this is easy, right here in the neighborhood, only two hours once a month, or on your own time once you get the hang of it.* We can tell there are ivy pullers who work on their own – thank you Tree Angels! All you need are gloves and a pair of pruners. You’ll get dirty, and maybe cold and wet, so dress appropriately.

To get on the email list for updates and reminders of ivy-pulling dates, email [email protected].  

*  If you do pull ivy on your own, please email or call Kim to find out how and where to dispose of it so it’s not extra work for the county maintenance crews. Kimarkelley2@comcast.net, 360-280-0325. 

2024-25 Season 

10 am – 12 pm 


October 20

November 17

December 15


January 19

February 16

March 16

April 20 Earth Day Celebration

May 18

June 16

Hope to see you on one or more of these dates. Honestly, it’s so satisfying to see a tree or area of ground cleared of life-choking ivy. And fun!